Fresh flowers will add liveliness and a naturally harmonious atmosphere to any room. A pretty bouquet deserves to be displayed appropriately in a high-quality porcelain vase. More information
Whether fragrant roses, brightly-coloured gerbera or delicate springtime arrangements, a FÜRSTENBERG vase is the perfect frame for your flowers. The majority of the large and small models, with wide and narrow openings, in linear or curved forms, with and without decorations, are perfect both for single blossoms and large summer bouquets. Highly sophisticated: the contemporary conical vases can be combined with a decorative flower arranging insert in a choice of classic white and elegant gold – perfect for achieving a creative play with flowers and leaves. The option of a plain or multiply perforated insert makes it even easier to achieve professional-looking floral arrangements at home that will work and last for a long time.
Decorative highlight with and without flowers
However, FÜRSTENBERG vases don’t have to be filled with flowers to catch the eye. The elegant porcelain vases are also elegant decorative items by themselves. The tremendous selection in the online shop contains the perfect finishing touch for any interior design style: from traditional to modern, playful to puristic. As well as classic white, many of the vase series are available in a wide range of patterns, from the ever-popular floral patterns to luxurious gold to graphic contrasts in black and whi